Bekim Sejranović
Bekim Sejranović (Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1972 – Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2020) has lived in Rijeka since 1985 and studied Croatian Language and Literature there after finishing secondary school. Since 1993 he has been living in Norway, where he gained a Master’s degree in Southern Slavic Literature and worked as a university lecturer. Bekim Sejranović translated several works from Norwegian into Croatian, including books by Frode Grytten, Ingvar Ambjørnsen and Jostein Gaarder.
In 2002 he published the collection of short stories, Fasung. This was followed by the novels Nigdje, niotkuda (2008), for which he was awarded the renowned regional Meša Selimović Literary Prize, and Ljepši kraj (2010). His works have been translated into Norwegian, Slovenian and Macedonian. Bekim Sejranović lives and works between Oslo, Brčko, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Rijeka and Stari Grad.
His novels and short stories have been translated into Norwegian, English, Slovenian, Macedonian, Czech, Italian and Polish.