Marko Gregur
Marko Gregur (Koprivnica, 1982) is a Croatian poet and prosaist whose works have been published in literary magazines in more than ten countries. His work received several awards, amongst which are Ivan vitez Trnski Award, Ulaznica Award, and Prozak Award. In 2021 he won both Fric Award and the prestigious Vladimir Nazor Award for his latest work, the novel Vošicki.
He debuted with the poetry collection Lyrical Graphomania (2011), followed by short story collections Peglica in December and Lovely Day for Drinkopoly. Afterward he shifted towards novels, and published The End of Mr Trombetassicz, which was written in a dialect and shortlisted for the Fric Award, Your Name Could Be Leda and Vošicki, biographical fiction inspired by the life of Vinko Vošicki, renowned Croatian publisher.