Andrija Škare

Andrija Škare (Zagreb, 1981) graduated in Journalism from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb. He used to work at Croatian National Television as a screenwriter, journalist and a host. He is active as a versatile promotor of writing, reading and literature hosting many different events connected to literature. He is one of the founders of eventualism literary movement and therefore four of his stories were included in the collection Zbornik eventualizma – Nagni se kroz prozor (2006).

He has published S više mlijeka, molim (With More Milk, Please), a book of literary non-fiction on coffee houses and cafés of Zagreb, a collection of short stories Život svijeta koji će doći (The Life of the World To Come), a book about meeting points of music and literature Slušaj me (Listen to Me) and another short story collection Društvene igre (The Games We Play). His story “Goalkeeper” from The Games We Play inspired an eponymous comic made by Croatian visual artist Stipan Tadić and was awarded as best comic with the The International Festival of Comics and Games in Lodz 2018.


Main works/Translations
Sample translation