Tatjana Gromača
Tatjana Gromača (Sisak, 1971) graduated in philosophy and comparative literature from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Her first book was a poetry collection Nešto nije u redu? (Is There Something Wrong?), after which she has published six books of fiction, and one book of documentary prose. She has been working for 17 years as a professional journalist, writing cultural themes, columns and reportages for the political satirical magazine Feral Tribune in Split, and for Novi list in Rijeka.
For her novel Božanska dječica (God's Little Children) she received the Vladimir Nazor Prize, the most prominent national prize for prose, awarded by the Croatian Ministry of Culture. This novel was also selected for the best novel of the year, receiving the Jutarnji list Award (2013). The Rijeka National Theatre „Ivan Pl. Zajc“, staged a play based on her novel Crnac (Black Man), directed by the prominent Slovenian director Tomi Janežić. She received the Akademie der Künste Fellowship in Berlin, as well as the Austrian Cultural Centre Fellowship. Her fiction, essays and poetry have been published in Croatian literary magazines and abroad, and she attended many European literary festivals.