Croatian publishers to participate in the Frankfurt Bookfair 2023.


Croatian publishers will once again participate at the world’s largest book fair, Frankfurt Buchmesse (18-22 October 2023), thanks to the organisational efforts by the Croatian association of publishers and booksellers, and the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and Media. At the Croatian national stand in Hall 4 around forty publishers will present their most recent fiction, non-fiction and children’s titles, as well as poetry, graphic novels and works of selected local illustrators.

“There is no better opportunity to promote our culture as well as the country itself, because literature generates other cultural products: theatre productions, films, illustrations, visual arts et cetera”, said Slavko Kozina, president of the Association.

The authors and other delegates featured in the official program of the Fair are Anita Peti Stantić, Martina Vidaić, Ivana Sajko, Maša Kolanović, Snježana Berak and Alida Bremer, while Dino Pešut and Ivan Sršen will have additional promotions at the National stand.

This year’s edition is of particular interest to Croatia, as the guest of honor is the neighboring Slovenia. Slovenian market bears many similarities to ours, culturally, linguistically, and commercially, so it’s no surprise that the Slovene publishers have included a considerate number of Croatian colleagues in the official program of the Fair. The Slovenian program includes a variety of discussions, such as „Deep Reading – Reading in the Age of Screens“ and „Publishing in Small Book Markets“.

The Frankfurt Bookfair is one of world’s largest book manifestations, and a central meeting place for the industry specialists, be it for rights sales, presenting new trends in publishing (from political to commercial ones), printing and logistics, news in the world of design, illustration and many more.

The delegates for the Croatian association of publishers and booksellers will be Mr. Nikica Micevski and Mrs. Antonijela Bonačić Novosel.


The evening before the Fair, October 17th at 19:00, the Consulate General of Croatia organized a lecture by the theologist Franjo Prcela, called What is the intellectual’s mission? Joining him in the discussion are the author Alida Bremer and the molecular biologist Ivan Đikić.

The address: Am Weingarten 25, Frankfurt. RSVP at: