The Year of Reading in Croatia


The Croatian Government declared the year 2021 the Year of Reading based on the proposal by the Ministry of Culture and Media. Due to this declaration the Ministry of Culture and Media will begin with the implementation of the numerous programmes supporting reading that will take place throughout 2021. This is a reflection of a measure in the Action Plan of the National Strategy to Promote Reading, adopted by the Government in 2017. The main goal of the National Strategy is to contribute to the development of the reading culture and enables reading with pleasure and understanding.

In the midst of the pandemic and decreased possibility of organising and participating in cultural events – in up until now usual ways – one of the cultural activities which more attention and time could be invested in is precisely reading. During the Year of Reading, numerous activities will contribute to its affirmation among all generation of public – from newly established awards (for the best bookshops or the award of young literary critics…) and organisation of international conference to declaration of reading ambassadors. What is more, ongoing book and reading related activities of the Ministry of Culture and Media and other cultural stakeholders will gain additional visibility through a comprehensive national media campaign.

In this regard, international cultural cooperation is extremely important, acquainting Croatian readers with the international literary tendencies of which Croatian authors represent an integral part. The Ministry supports the promotion of Croatian literature by financing sample translations of the most important works available at the Croatian Literature website. It also provides residencies for authors and translators, as well as showcases at the biggest festivals and book fairs. Due to travel restrictions and limited cultural events, international publishers are being more intensely supported for publishing translations of Croatian authors and vice-versa.

Reading contributes to the growth of the society and in turn the society needs to enable adoption and development of reading habits. In order to intensify these activities and come up with new initiatives, the Ministry of Culture and Media looks forward to and welcomes all ideas and active contribution in the Year of Reading to achieve our common goals in the best way possible. 



2021 the Year of Reading in Croatia

Based on: 

National Strategy to Promote Reading 2017 – 2022  

Declared by:

The Government of the Republic of Croatia on December 30th 2020

Proposed and executed by:

The Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia

Main goals:

- to contribute to the development of the reading culture
- to enable reading with pleasure and understanding for all generations
- to adopt and develop reading habits
- to promote quality literature (Croatian and international)
- to bring together all the participants in the book chain

Main activities:

- bringing enlarged visibility to all book and reading related programs traditionally organised and performed, through the intense national media campaign 
- introducing new initiatives (with the intention of continuity): 
>> Born to read – national project for pre-school children in cooperation with paediatricians
     (during the period from birth to school every child would get 4 picture-books by
     Croatian authors and illustrators)                          
>> The award for the best bookstores in Croatia                                
>> The award for the best book trailers made by school children                   
>> The young critics award (high school children read book for general/adult public)                   
>> Pronouncing the “Reading Days” and the “Reading Ambassadors” for all generations of public 
>> Organisation of the international conference on the promotion of reading (October)

Main partners:

- Ministry of education and science, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Tourism and Sport, Ministry of Foreign Affairs…
- Libraries (more than 2000 different programs to encourage reading throughout the year) and many other public institutions (museums, schools…)
- Societies of Croatian writers and literary translators, Croatian PEN Centre
- Publishers and Booksellers Association within Croatian Chamber of commerce 
- Non-governmental organisations in the field of culture (not only book related)
- Croatian Television and other media partners
- Local authorities and tourist boards 
- International partners: diplomatic and cultural representatives in Croatia (France, Iran, India, Israel…)