Željka Lovrenčić named a corresponding member of the Madrid-based Academia Hispanoamericana de Buenas Letras
25/11/2020Croatian writer, translator and Hispanist Željka Lovrenčić was named a corresponding member of the Madrid-based Academia Hispanoamericana de Buenas Letras this month. This renowned institution operates throughout the Hispanic area and collaborates closely with the world-famous Andrés Bello Foundation.
Among its members are prominent philologists, linguists, literary theorists, and Spanish-speaking writers. The Academy membership grants financial support for the publication of books in Spanish, participation in literary meetings and lectures, international literary award committees, et cetera. The Academy's headquarters are in Madrid, with branches in Argentina and Colombia. The current president is Eduardo Pilía from Argentina, with Andrés Morales Milohnic, a Chilean author of Croatian background, as vice-president.
Željka Lovrenčić has been, for many years now, an important and prolific part of the Hispanic and Croatian literary exchange. She published 17 books and poetry panoramas, curated 17 editions and translated 62 titles. She lived in Mexico and Chile, and visited many Latin American countries: Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, the Dominican Republic…