Croatian author and translator Brankica Radić guest of Les entretiens de poésie program
25/11/2020On Saturday, 28th November 2020 at 4pm, the Facebook page of the Parisian House of Poetry "Maison de la Poésie – Scène littéraire", will livestream a program dedicated to the Central European literature, Les entretiens de poésie (Poetry Conversations).
The participants are Michel Deguy, Xavier Galmiche, Isabelle Macor, Guillaume Métayer, and Brankica Radić, the authors and translators whose poems appeared in the feature 170 and 171 of the magazine Po&sie, which also include poems by Olja Savičević Ivančević, Monika Herceg, Branko Čegec, Dražen Katunarić and Hrvoje Pejaković. The magazine publishes poetry from all over the world, with a special accent on the emerging poets from Central Europe (Poland, Austria, Hungary, Check Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, and Serbia).
For all those unable to join the live stream, it will be available later on at the Maison de la Poésie Youtube channel.