American critics praise Robert Perišić’ No-Signal Area
18/05/2020After the international success of Our Man In Iraq by Robert Perišić, translated into a dozen languages across the globe, his novel No-Signal Area continues to spark interest of international publishers. The novel was published in the USA last month by the prominent publishing house Seven Stories Press and received glowing reviews, confirming Perišić as a contemporary author of international renown.
The New York Times critic and author Ken Kalfus sees the storyline as equally local and global, he judges Perišić’ narrative style as touching and poignant, and states that “the polyphonic storytelling enriches this amply populated novel, whose ambitions extend well beyond the Balkans.” Kirkus Reviews says No-Signal Area is “A sharp, subversive novel of ideas that seems to reflect an era in which ideas themselves are bankrupt.” The influential weekly news magazine Publishers Weekly describes the book as “clever, ambitious take on the influences of capitalism on Eastern Europe”, and praises Perišić for “blending the absurd, dire, and comic’’, adding that “Perišić relates often tragic events, but his characters somehow manage to persevere”.
Despite the challenging times for culture and publishing in the USA, No-Signal Area is conquering both the critical and the popular vote.
In 2019, No-Signal Area has been translated into French, the UK edition will be published in June, and the Italian edition is to be launched in 2021.