Croatian authors in McSweeney's Quarterly
08/10/2014Most recently published issue no. 48 of McSweeney's Quarterly Concern is featuring six Croatian authors: Gordan Nuhanović, Zoran Ferić, Damir Karakaš, Olja Savičević, Bekim Sejranović and Tea Tulić.
McSweeney's will also publish Olja Savičević novel 'Goodbye, Cowboy' and Bekim Sejranovic's novel 'Nowhere, from Nowhere'.
- With sixteen new stories and a full-length screenplay, McSweeney’s 48 was just too much for a single book to hold—a wild leviathan, you could say, whose tongue we could not tie down with a rope. (Job 41:1 is now believed to refer to this issue.) We were, however, able to split it into two books, and the results are terrific. In the first, we’ve got stunning work from Kelly Link, Rebecca Curtis, Etgar Keret, and Ismet Prcic, as well as stories of blind boyfriends and dead tourists and doomed Moldovan press junkets; in the second, we’ve got the delightfully weird debut screenplay of none other than Boots Riley, frontman of the Coup. Are there stories from Croatia, also? Are there love stories set amid street protests and ghost stories set amid nudist colonies? Is the issue, as a whole, so dazzling that you will feel a little bit dizzy afterward? There are, and it is, and we’re very excited to be bringing this one to you. - (source: mcsweeneys.net)