Igor Beleš
Igor Beleš (Vukovar, 1978) published short stories in the magazines Zarez and Fantom slobode and internet portals Kritična masa, Čitaj me and XXZ Magazin. He is a two-time finalist for the Prozak literary award, and he might have been a three-time finalist if he hadn't become too old for that reward in the meantime. He received the scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and the City of Rijeka for literary creativity.
He is one of the initiators and editors of the literary magazine Književnost uživo. He is a member of the informal literary group Ri-Lit and one of the screenwriters of the board game Arcadia Tenebra. The short story 33 was adapted into a radio drama. His first novel was Dawning in the West. With his second novel, When Cabbage Leaves Start to Peel, he won the Fran Galović Literary Award 2023.
He lives and works in Rijeka.