Presentation of Croatian literature within Europa Pavilion at the Madrid Book Fair
03/06/2023The Ministry of Culture and Media, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Madrid, organized the presentation of Croatian literature within the Europa Pavilion program at the Madrid Book Fair on May 31st, 2023.
Olja Savičević, Roman Simić, and Dinko Telećan talked about the contemporary Croatian and literary scene and presented their works intended for readers of all ages – poetry, novels, and short stories as well as children’s books, picture books, and novels – at the event moderated by Nikolina Židek, translator and university professor in Madrid. After excerpts readings of their works in Croatian and Spanish and a conversation with the visitors, a screening of the short feature films based on the stories of Olja Savičević also took place – "Balavica" by Igor Mirković and "Trešnje" by Dubravka Turić.
Mihaela Majcen – Marinić, head of the Book and Publishing Service of the Ministry of Culture and Media, attended the program on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Media, joined by the translators of Croatian literature into Spanish, Luisa Garrido and Tihomir Pistelek, and the writer Branka Primorac.
The Madrid Book Fair (Feria del Libro) is an important and well-attended cultural event that offers visitors direct access to new titles, authors, and publishers and promotes reading, knowledge, and skills related to literature and language. It's held at the end of May, in Madrid's largest park, Retiro.
Followed by a successful trial edition in 2022, this year's Europa Pavilion at the Madrid Book Fair takes place from May 26th to June 13th, 2023, with more than 60 different activities.
Find out more about the program: https://www.ferialibromadrid.com/sobre-la-feria/