Croatian authors and publishers at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2019


On this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair, held from 16th to 19th October 2019, the 56 m2 long Croatian national stand will be located in the Hall 5.0 (D117). Twenty Croatian publishers will exhibit at the stand: Evenio, Fraktura, Funditus, Ibis grafika, Jesenski i Turk, Kašmir promet, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Mate, Matica hrvatska, Meandar Media, Medicinska naklada, Naklada Ljevak, Naklada OceanMore, Naša djeca, Profil, Sandorf, Spiritoso, Školska knjiga, Verbum and Vuković & Runjić.

A special place on the stand will be reserved for 10 leading fiction, non-fiction and children’s titles chosen by the selection board members Diana Matulić, Gordana Farkaš Sfeci and Emica Calogjera Rogić:

- Slobodan Šnajder: “Age of Brass’’
- Kristian Novak: "Gypsy, but the Fairest of Them All"
- Damir Karakaš: "Celebration"
- Igor Rudan: "Evil Air"
- Branko Čegec: "Rise and Fall of Koševsko hill"
- Maša Kolanović: "Bugs and Other Eerie Stories"
- Olja Savičević Ivančević: "Singer in the Night"
- Nikola Petković: "A Journey to Gonars"
- Zdenko Bašić, Tanja Konforta: "Goldsmith’s Treasure"
- Mate Janković: "The Croatian Cookbook"

In the Children’s literature section, the recent production of Croatian children’s books will be presented through the works of illustrators Zdenko Bašić, Andrea Petrlik, Vanda Čižmek, Vendi Vernić, Ivana Guljašević Kuman, Uma Huseinović and Ana Kadoić. Comic books, selected by Davor Schunk, will be presented as well.

The town of Rijeka, as the European Capital of Culture 2020 will receive a special recognition. Organized events with Slobodan Šnajder, Kristian Novak and Roman Simić will be held at the stand, and more important, after a long time the Croatian authors will be included in the official general programme of the Fair.

The organizer of the Croatian programme on the Frankfurt Fair, Jelena Spreicer from the department of German studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, has announced the programme ‘’Croatia and Rijeka 2020 in the Heart of Europe’’.

Within that programme, two official encounters with Croatian authors (Slobodan Šnajder, Kristian Novak and Roman Simić) will take place outside of the exhibition space, in Kreativ-Agentur plan-J, Kleyerstraße 46-48.

          >>  Narrating the 'Other' in 'Big' and 'Small' Literatures

          >>  Croatia and Rijeka 2020 in the Heart of Europe